Bach Bibliography
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Author : Willner, Channan
Max number of results shown : 300
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title[further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Willner, ChannanMetrical Displacement and Metrically Dissonant Hemiolas. 2007
2. Willner, ChannanMozart and the English Suites: Borrowings, Isorhythm, and Plasticity. 2007
3. Willner, ChannanDurational Pacing in Handel's Instrumental Works: The Nature of Temporality in the Music of the High Baroque. diss. 2005 774p
4. Willner, ChannanErnst Oster's vision of hidden repetitions and motivic enlargements in J.S. Bach's short keyboard works. EastmanStudM 122 2015 157-170
5. Willner, ChannanBaroque Styles and the Analysis of Baroque Music. [fs]Schachter 2006 145-169
6. Willner, ChannanBach's Periodicities Re-Examined. IrishMStud 4 1996 86-101
7. Willner, ChannanMetrical displacement and metrically dissonant hemiolas. JMTheory 57 1 Spring 2013 87-118
8. Willner, ChannanStress and Counterstress: Accentual Conflict and Reconciliation in J. S. Bach's Instrumental Works. MTheorySpec 20 2 Autumn 1998 280-304
9. Willner, ChannanNascent Periodicity and Bach's 'Progressive' Galanterien. [p]AMS_Pittsburgh Nov 1992

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BachBib Search Engine 1ctp Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita